When it comes to providing your pet with quality care, it is important to be informed and up to date with all health requirements and disease prevention methods. Vaccinating your pet is important to ensure they will live a fulfilling life without disease or illness.

You bet they are!

Serious diseases that can easily be vaccinated against causes misery and distress in pets. These diseases can either be fatal or cause serious ongoing medical complications. Unfortunately many preventable diseases are still all too commonly seen.

Fortunately, due to vaccinations, many pet owners never see these diseases in their pets. However, the risk of your unvaccinated pet contracting these diseases still exists within the community today. Parvovirus, for example, is a potentially fatal disease that stays within soil and the environment for many months.

Vaccinations begin between 6 and 8 weeks of age and require a course of vaccinations.

Vaccinations are vital for strengthening your pet’s immune system, in the early stages of its life. Annual vaccinations are then required to maintain a strong immune system and prevent life-threatening disease.

We know that some people may be cautious about ‘over vaccinating’ your pet. The risk of vaccination is minimal compared to the risk of diseases. We are happy to discuss the relative risks of different vaccines and the risk of not vaccinating.

Many different vaccine types, brands, and vaccination protocols exist. Our recommendation is based on first hand experience of diseases in the area, manufacturer’s regulatory recommendations, and best practice guidelines of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.

If you have missed a vaccination for your pet, please contact us immediately to discuss re-starting the vaccination course.

This vaccination is required for boarding kennels and for admission to our hospital for non-emergency procedures. It protects against the following fatal diseases:

  • Distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Canine Parvo virus
  • Canine Parainfluenza Virus
  • Bordetella

Additional vaccination protection can also be provided for:

  • Coronavirus
  • Leptospirosis

This is required for catteries and for admission to our hospital for non-emergency procedures. It protects against the following fatal and potentially fatal diseases:

  • Feline Enteritis
  • Feline herpes
  • Feline Calici Virus
  • Feline Rhinotrachetis virus

Additional vaccination protection can also be provided for:

  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV, Feline Aids)

Our expert vet team offers consultations to cover all of your pet care needs and can answer any queries or specific concerns you may have about your pet’s health. Topics we cover in our consultations can include preventative care, surgery, behaviour, nutrition and other matters depending on your individual pet’s needs.

We offer the latest in diagnostic imaging technologies for your pet.

A complete physical exam is only part of the picture. Sometimes further tests are required to obtain an accurate diagnosis and select the right treatment for your pet.

Some common situations where forms of diagnostic imaging may be recommended include the following:

  • Lameness – X-rays are required to rule out broken bones, evaluate arthritis and examine the joints.
  • Heart murmurs – X-rays can determine whether heart function is compromised, while ultrasound can determine the cause of a murmur.
  • Breathing problems – X-rays evaluate lung function.
  • Vomiting – X-rays check for foreign objects within the intestines or stomach, tumors and other intestinal diseases.
  • Abnormal blood test results – Ultrasound is useful for evaluating liver, kidney and other problems, when abnormalities are found on blood tests.
  • Pregnancy assessment – X-rays can assess the number of babies your pet may be carrying, while ultrasound can be used in early pregnancy diagnosis and determining dates.

Ultrasound is a non invasive and safe technique that allows us to look inside your pet’s body and helps us assess the internal structure of bodily organs.

Ultrasound can help with the diagnosis of problems in the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder and intestines. Ultrasound of the heart is vital for diagnosing the cause of heart murmurs which helps us decide on the best treatment options and evaluate the prognosis for your pet.


CT and MRI provide detailed images of joints, organs, the brain and spinal cord. They are very helpful in diagnosing problems of the nervous system, such as growths in the brain, intervertebral disc disease and congenital deformities.

We are happy to work closely with specialist veterinarians to access CT and MRI facilities. If your pet requires advanced imaging, we can provide you with a referral to a specialist centre nearby.

Your pet will need a general anaesthetic for these advanced imaging procedures, so please ensure they have been fasted for at least 8 hours prior to your appointment with the specialist.

Surgery can be a stressful time for both you and your pet. We think it’s a good idea to keep you well informed about the procedures and processes that are required before, during and after surgery. Our expert team is dedicated to providing your pet with the best possible outcomes.We aim to ensure any surgery day is as stress free for you and your pet as possible. Your pet’s safety is our highest priority.

  • Dogs and cats are housed in separate areas, to ensure they don’t disturb or frustrate each other
  • We have have separate surgical procedure rooms and operating theatres
  • We use modern anaesthetic machines, and the safest anaesthetic drugs and gases
  • Your pet’s vital signs are monitored both electronically and by the surgical team, who will be with your pet until he or she has completely recovered from the anaesthetic
  • Please note: Late and early pick-up and drop off of your pet is offered, for added convenience.
  • Decreased urge to wander, roam or escape
  • Calming influence on behaviour and a reduction in some aggressive behaviours
  • No ovarian, uterine or testicular cancer
  • Desexing prevents pyometra-a life-threatening disease in dogs
  • Desexing reduces mammary cancer and prostatic disease
  • Desexing prevents bi-yearly problems associated with on heat females, such as blood staining, male dogs visiting or cats calling
  • Decrease spraying in male cats
  • Decrease cat aggression and associated fighting, abscesses, and FIV

the recommended age of desexing can vary depending on your animals breed, gender and individual circumstances. We recommend booking in with one of our friendly vets for a recommendation of the best age to desex your pet.

Soft Tissue

The most common reason your pet would require soft tissue surgery, besides desexing, is to have a lump or growth removed.

We provide a wide range of animal soft tissue procedures, including the following:

  • Removal of lumps
  • Biopsies
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Exploratory surgery of the abdomen
  • Removal of bladder stones

Orthopaedic surgery refers to surgery on the bones and joints.

  • fractures of the bones
  • removal of tumours
  • as a treatment for cruciate disease
  • as a treatment for hip dysplasia
  • Our vet will answer any questions about what will happen during the procedure
  • Recommend options, such as appropriate Pre-anaesthetic blood tests and intravenous fluid Therapy to increase safety and speed recovery time
  • Give appropriate pain relief to your pet
  • Explain the many things that make surgery and recovery safer
  • Conduct a pre general anaesthetic check free of charge, to identify any health issues prior to surgery
  • Ensure vaccination, flea and worm treatment is up-to-date to prevent cross infection
  • Phone you at the completion of surgery, so you do not worry unnecessarily
After Surgery Care
  • After surgery, a member of the surgery team will discuss what has occurred during surgery and give you as much time as you need to answer questions.
  • We will then talk you through your pet’s post-surgery care regime. You will also receive an information sheet, for your reference when caring for your pet after surgery.
Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Desexing

The Laparoscopic Spey, also known as keyhole spey, is the future of veterinary medicine.

We recommend desexing pets for a number of health and behavioural reasons, and so are proud to be able to offer this service- ensuring our clients have options when it comes to treatments for their pet!

The Laparoscopic Spey is performed using laparoscopic equipment, which drastically reduces the size of the incision needed for a spey procedure. This results in much less post-operative pain, faster recovery and less wound complications.

Dr Jason Rapke has performed hundreds of laparoscopic spey procedures and is one of the most experienced Lap Spey surgeons in the state.

Click here to download our Keyhole Spey brochure!

•    Significantly less pain post-operatively
•    Faster recovery from surgery
•    Less post-operative wound complications, particularly in active dogs
•    All the organs in the abdomen can be examined during the procedure
•    Faster return to normal exercise and activity levels

The Keyhole Spey involves removal of the ovaries (ovariectomy), and we also have an option of ovariohysterectomy which is removal of both the uterus and ovaries. Studies have shown NO increased risk of uterine infections (pyometra) or breast cancer (mammary tumours) in dogs that have had the ovaries removed, compared to those that have had the uterus and ovaries removed. Hence, many surgeons now believe there is no need  to remove the uterus during a spey procedure.

The Keyhole Spey costs more than the traditional spey.

This is a small price to pay for the enormous benefits of this procedure, and to know that your pet will go home happier and in less pain from their spey procedure. Contact us for a quote.

Yes! We now perform Laparoscopic Desexing on cats as well as dogs

When it comes to dental health, pets require treatment just as humans do. Prevention is better than cure!

Tooth and gum problems in pets

Tooth, gum pain and dental disease can be as severe in pets as it is in humans, but often goes unnoticed. It can lead to infection that has been linked with the development of kidney and heart disease.

Bad breath is one of the most common signs of dental disease. Most pets will continue eating regardless of severe infection and pain. This is why it’s so important to bring your pet into the clinic for regular check-ups. Nurse dental checks are complimentary because we’re always here to help!

Teeth cleaning services

We recommend a professional dental scale and polish treatment every 6-12 months for pets, even with good home care. A general anesthetic is required for this.

Dental diets

Dental diets are specially formulated dry food which is designed to remove plaque as your pet eats. Some also contain toothpaste-like ingredients to fight plaque.

Our dental facilities

Just like at your dentist, we have state of the art equipment and everything your pet needs to keep their pearly whites nice and healthy! Our clinic has a dedicated dental area with ultrasonic cleaner and polisher along with specialised animal dental equipment, including a drill.

Your pet’s health is our priority and we want to make looking after your pet a smooth and easy process! Participating in healthcare programs are just some of the ways you can help to keep your pet safe and well.


Vaccination4Life is a lifetime vaccination plan that saves you up to 75% off the cost of your pet’s vaccinations over time. Vaccinations are vital to keeping your pet healthy and happy, which is why we came up with our Vacc4Life program! A one-off payment provides your pet with annual boosters and health checks for the rest of their life. Contact our team for pricing.

Download our Vaccination4Life brochure here.

For an extra $50 you can have them included for the rest of your pet’s life.

7 years or younger.

It is important to not only treat illness but to also prevent future illness for your pet. Preventative care can help achieve and maintain a high level of general health and well-being for your pet.

Blood Tests

Blood tests play an important role in diagnosing and monitoring many conditions. It also helps to detect diseases early while they are still treatable.

Why are blood tests important?

Blood tests play an important role in diagnosing and monitoring many conditions. It also helps to detect diseases early while they are still treatable.

  • To check the effects of long-term medication use
  • Prior to anaesthesia, to reduce any risks, particularly for older pets
  • Senior pets (yearly blood tests can diagnose old age disease while they can still be managed)
  • Increased thirst or appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain
  • Sudden illness
  • Heartworm testing
  • FIV (Feline Aids testing)
  • Genetic testing. Understanding of your dogs lineage can mean knowing their pre-disposition to specific conditions
Fleas & Intestinal Worms

Intestinal worms and fleas are unwelcome pet parasites, which can cause both animal and human disease.Keeping your pet’s parasite control up-to-date is the best way to protect them and your family.

There are many products available, but we believe that some are much more effective than others, despite marketing claims.We are happy to discuss flea and worming treatments with you any time and we have a good stock of recommended products.

Treatment Tips
  • Avoid older, and often cheaper products, as some are more toxic and nearly always less effective than newer products.
    Heartworm prevention needs to be regularly administered as directed to be effective.
  • Even one missed month means a blood test may be necessary to check for infection
  • The fleas that you see on your dog or cat are a fraction of the number that live within your environment. Treat your home, as well as your pet. We can advise how!
  • Tick paralysis can be fatal. Don’t forget tick control

While fleas may prefer to bite our pets, they are often happy to multiply in houses and bite us too! In fact, the flea will spend only a small part of its life-cycle on your pet and more in your home. This is why it is best to treat your home, as well as your pet, when an infestation occurs.


Worms affect the health of your pet, but can also transmit to people, especially young children. Worms can cause serious and permanent illness in humans. It is essential to commence a worm control program from the moment you take home your new pet.


Ticks are not just ugly – certain ticks cause fatal tick paralysis. These ticks have now spread as far south as suburban Melbourne. We also see cases of tick paralysis when unprotected pets go on holiday in more tick prone areas.

Tick prevention should be incorporated into your parasite control program.


Heartworm is a worm that lives within the dog’s heart and is spread by mosquitoes.It is now found in all parts of Australia. Heartworm is potentially fatal and can be difficult to treat. A heartworm prevention program should be initiated from the time of your pet’s first vaccination.


Microchipping is one of the best ways of identifying your pet, particularly when they are lost or stolen. We can microchip your new pet at any age and can also help you with council registration forms. If pets are ever taken to a shelter they will be routinely scanned for a microchip. The shelter will then call you directly, to ensure your pet is back with you as soon as possible.